This young one above is a Silver Maple.
Silver Maples are native to our region. They do well in full sun and clay soils and are popular urban street trees in our area. Below is a picture of the mature Silver Maples in front of the park. There are 5 of them fronting the park, with another one across the street, each about 100 yrs old.
If you look, you'll notice that these trees have not only reached a lovely maturity, but are also just beginning to come into over-maturity. At over-maturity these trees commonly start to give out: specifically, their centre limbs begin to fall during storms (this is well illustrated in the tree at the right). Once those central limbs are gone, high winds are able to get inside of the trees' crowns and sweep into and swirl around in the centre, causing other limbs to break and fall: it's time to consider growing new trees to replace them.

Besides the young Silver Maple, there are currently only 3 other trees in the park:

this oak (above) and a Serviceberry (below).

The latest addition to our parks trees is this wee Hop Tree (a species-at-risk) in the back corner. Can't wait 'til he's big enough to hug!

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